The purpose of the project is to improve safety and drainage, while also extending the network of multi-modal (bicycle and pedestrian) facilities in the area. This is accomplished by widening lane widths, installing curb and gutter with inlets and storm sewers, dedicated bicycle and pedestrian facilities, and grade improvements to improve sight distance for drivers.
This project involves the reconstruction and widening of 1.23 miles of Telephone Road from Bell Road to Fuquay Road in Warrick County. The project also includes the reconstruction of portions of Coal Mine Road (250 feet) and Fuquay Road (990 feet) with short approach reconstruction at all other intersecting roads. The existing facility consists of two 9.5-foot lanes with little to no shoulders. Drainage along the corridor consists of mostly roadside ditches with roadway/driveway culverts and some yard inlets. The existing land use within the project limits is predominantly residential with some agricultural.
The roadway will be reconstructed to provide a safer transportation facility for all modes of transportation including drivers, cyclists, and pedestrians. Similar improvements have been completed in the area over the past several years such as Bell Road, Oak Grove Road, and Lincoln Avenue.
Reconstructed Telephone Road will consist of two 13-foot travel lanes, two 6-foot bike lanes, and curb and gutter. A 5-foot sidewalk is proposed on the south side of the road with a 3-foot green space between the sidewalk and the back of curb. At the intersections, the section changes by adding a left-turn lane and combining the vehicle and bike lane into a shared lane. Coal Mine Road at the Telephone Road intersection will be upgraded to include curb and gutter along with a 3-lane section as exists today. Fuquay Road at the Telephone Road intersection will be widened to include a left-turn lane along with curb and gutter. Driveway accesses along the corridor will be reconstructed as well.
The proposed drainage along the corridor will consist of curb inlets, manholes, and storm sewers. Some drainage swales and yard inlets will be required as well. Larger drainage structures will be extended or replaced. Vertical profile (hillside) adjustments are proposed at 3 locations: west of Skylark Lane, at Skylark Lane, and west of Coal Mine Road. Additionally, the intersection of Telephone and Fuquay Roads will be improved by lowering the approaching hillside on Telephone Road and raising Fuquay Road, thereby reducing the grade on Telephone Road.
Categorical Exclusion, Level 2, December 3, 2021 (Release for Public Involvement)
The project falls within the guidelines of Category B-1, B-3, and B-9 under the Minor Projects Programmatic Agreement. Although work will occur in undisturbed soils, an archaeological investigation determined that no National Register listed, or potentially eligible archaeological resources are located within the project area. No work will occur adjacent to or within a National Register listed, or potentially eligible district or individual above-ground resource. For these reasons, no further consultation with INDOT Cultural Resources Office is required.
There are no Section 4(f) resources within or adjacent to the project area.
IDEM Section 401 Water Quality Certification
IDEM Construction Storm Water Permit
U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Section 404 Permit
Construction of the project will require approximately 6 acres of permanent right-of-way and approximately 1.9 acres of temporary right of way. No residential relocations are anticipated for this project.
The overall estimated project cost is $10.5 million, which includes design, right-of-way,
construction, and utility costs.
Telephone Road
Project Design Criteria: Reconstruction (Non-Freeway)
Functional Classification: Local Agency Urban Collector
Terrain: Rolling
Design Speed: 30 mph
Posted Speed Limit: 30 mph
Access Control: None
Number of Lanes and Width: 2 through lanes @ 12/13 ft
Left Turn Lane: 10 ft
Maximum Right-of-Way Width: 90 ft; Minimum Right-of-Way Width: 30 ft from the center of
the road
Project construction will be phased to accommodate local access and reduce detour lengths. Construction of each phase will be completed before proceeding to the next phase. The anticipated phases are:
Phase 1 - Reconstruct Telephone Road from Bell Road to just west of Coal Mine Road:
Close to through traffic. Through traffic will use Bell Road, Oak Grove Road, and
Coal Mine Road as the detour.
Phase 2 - Reconstruct intersection of Telephone Road and Coal Mine Road:
Close to traffic. Through traffic on Telephone Road will use Bell Road, Oak Grove
Road, SR 261, and Fuquay Road as the detour.
Phase 3 - Reconstruct Telephone Road from just east of Coal Mine Road to just west
of Fuquay Road:
Close to through traffic. Through traffic will use Coal Mine Road, Oak Grove Road, SR 261, and Fuquay Road as the detour.
Phase 4 - Reconstruct Intersection of Telephone Road and Fuquay Road:
Close to traffic. Through traffic on Telephone Road will use Coal Mine Road, Oak
Grove Road, SR 261, Plank Road, and Jenner Road as the detour. Through Traffic
on Fuquay Road will use SR 261, Plank Road, and Jenner Road as the detour.
Access to all properties within the project limits will be provided throughout the duration of the project.